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SELF - Study Courses

These courses are all available on my Mighty Networks platform. You'll need to sign up for a free membership at CassieSeal.LOVE first to register for any of the below workshops.

*** these courses are all digital, pre-recorded, available on demand and once you register, you have life-time access



Free 20 -30 minute guided practices to help you connect to your Inner Wisdom for clarity, insight, and guidance about how to move forward in your life - whether in health, relationships, or work.

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*** if you are not already a member of CassieSeal.LOVE, you will be prompted to created a login account and then register for the 5 day reset. You will not have access to the 5 day reset until you join the network.

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Wisdom Healing 101

Wisdom Healing is the process of using the innate wisdom of the body aka spirit to invite the energy of healing into our lives. In this workshop, we will explore what it means to use LOVE as medicine and how understanding these simple principles can bridge the gap between suffering and happiness. 

Coming Soon!



The same energetic patterns that create dis-ease in our body are also mirrored in how we show up in our relationships - whether with our spouse, boss, children, parents, family, or acquaintances - the pathway to healing these patterns is through our relationships. We actually are not wired to heal alone, which is why our relationships matter. From who we choose to enter into relationships with to the boundaries we set (or don’t set) to how we navigate our triggers in relationships - all of it matters.


This workshop will help you discern where and how the core relationships in your life AND how you are (or aren’t) showing up in them can affect not only your body’s ability to heal, but also the peace, satisfaction, and joy that you have access to in your life.

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Unlocking Your Purpose

What are the Gene Keys?

The Gene Keys are a synthesis of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential. While your genes contain the blueprint of your nature, the keys hold the wisdom that unlocks this potential hidden in your DNA. Fear is what keeps our true purpose hidden in the shadows. The Gene Keys are a magical roadmap

to navigating that fear so that we can input the correct energy via our thoughts, words, and actions to activate the highest expression of our DNA. 

Welcome to a beautiful guided journey into the purpose of your life. In this 4 week workshop series, we are going to explore your genius sequence including your life’s work (what you are here to do), your evolution (what you are here to learn), your radiance (what keeps you healthy), and your purpose (what deeply fulfills you). Every human being is born a genius and your higher purpose is to share your unique genius with the world. In this series, you will get to take a close look into your genes to see what your true purpose actually is, not what you have been told it is or think it might be, but what you were energetically and spiritually designed to bring to this world in this lifetime.


Each workshop will be an exploration of lecture, discussion, guided contemplative practices serving to support you in unlocking your greatest potential.

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